CMHA Vernon remains committed to serving community

The Canadian Mental Health Association Vernon & District continues to innovate to ensure the need for mental health support in the North Okanagan is addressed.

CMHA Vernon held its annual general meeting Sept. 24, 2024, and it was an opportunity to review the organization’s activities during 2023/24.

“It’s inspiring to see how the organization continues to evolve to provide access to a diverse range of mental health programs and services,” said Jodi Cunningham, chair of CMHA Vernon & District’s board of directors.

“There is so much going on and it’s possible because of the amazing team at CMHA Vernon. Each one of them demonstrates compassion and professionalism in what they do.”

Among the highlights from 2023/24 are:

  • Launch of the national 9-8-8 Suicide Crisis Helpline, with CMHA Vernon serving as a network partner.
  • Opened the Youth Integrated Services Hub at 3304 30th Avenue and services have expanded to include counselling for local youth.
  • Protection of 26 units of affordable housing through the acquisition of Sunrise Gardens. Support came from the Province of B.C. and the Rental Protection Fund.
  • Hiring of B.C.’s first independent rights advisor to provide a voice to those who are involuntarily detained under the Mental Health Act.
  • Significant community support for events such as Ride Don’t Hide, Coldest Night of the Year and The Push-Up Challenge.

“This year, we continued to adapt and grow to better respond to the needs of residents of our community,” said Julia Payson, CMHA Vernon & District executive director.

“CMHA Vernon is very proud to be a part of influencing positive change in people’s lives, and we couldn’t do this without the ongoing support of the North Okanagan. As we move into 2024/25, several exciting initiatives are planned that will prioritize security, wellness, and community.”

During the annual general meeting, Janine Collard, sales manager at Predator Ridge Resort, was elected to the CMHA board as a new director.

Collard joins Cunningham, as well as directors Kyle Camalush, Richard Finn, Jennifer Guscott, Tom Nolan, David Penner, Dominic Scorah, David Service and Taylor Sheardown.


Two directors retired from the board after many years of service – Tom Christensen and Marilyn Scott.

“We want to thank Tom and Marilyn for their contributions to CMHA Vernon, and specifically for their knowledge, passion and belief in mental health and wellness,” said Cunningham.

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