Use CMHA news to stay informed about our upcoming events, community initiatives, and mental health resources.

Explore our stories to see how we’re making a difference and learn about the various programs we offer. From workshops and support groups to volunteer opportunities and fundraising events, there’s always something happening at CMHA Vernon.

Remember, your mental health matters, and we are here to support you every step of the way. Keep checking back for more updates and inspiring stories from our dedicated team and the wonderful people we serve.

Community Led Engagement.

The impact on the mental health of individuals within our community and individuals working within the police force due to the current status of our police force is far too damaging to the individuals involved and the community as a whole. We aim to help improve and protect the well-being of all those involved in police interaction.

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Mental Health Tips for the Holidays

For many, the festive season can also heighten grief, anxiety, and depression.
As we celebrate, the Canadian Mental Health Association Vernon & District encourages North Okanagan residents to prioritize mental health for themselves and those around them.

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Over $50,000 for Youth Mental Health

Vernon, BC – Support for youth mental health experienced a significant boost as cyclists and walkers took to the streets Sept. 16. The 2023 Ride Don’t Hide brought...

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Ride Don’t Hide 2023 is back!

Canadian Mental Health Association Vernon & District is preparing for Ride Don't Hide this year at Polson Park on September 16, 2023. It's been a bumpy few years;...

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