Wellness Education Programs

When we feel well, it means as individuals we feel good about our mental and physical well-being in every aspect of our daily lives. Whether you are managing a mental illness, supporting someone you care about, or looking to build your own wellness, we can help you build mental health skills and resilience for yourself and your family. Take a look at our wellness education programs below.


Pathways to Wellness is CMHA-Vernon’s education program. The goal is to eliminate stigma by providing education on mental well-being and mental illness.

People with Lived Experience and people with Learned Experience collaborate to co-create and co-facilitate courses.

It is a supportive learning environment where you are welcome. You may have a mental illness or a mental health problem, or you may be on a personal journey of wellness or be supporting someone who is. All that is required is an openness to learning.

We continually develop and add new content as people tell us what they would like to learn about. Please reach out to see if we have a current course that interests you or if you would like to help create a new one!

FAQs: Please Scroll to the bottom of the page. 

Sessions Calendar:

When Anxiety & Panic Attack

Mondays, January 13 to February 10 from 10:00 to 11:30 AM

Enjoy Your Baby

Thursdays, February 7 to 28 from 10:00 to 11:30 am

Conquering Loneliness

Fridays, February 7 to 28 from 10:00 to 11:30 AM

Understanding Depression

Mondays, March 3 to 24 from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm

Understanding Self-Esteem

Tuesdays, March 4 to 18 from 1:30 to 3:00 pm

If you have questions about Pathways to Wellness, please reach out to [email protected]

For more information or to register for our next session: 

Pathways to Wellness Registration

Contact Preference(Required)
Please indicate the course you are interested in.


– Who are Pathways to Wellness courses for?

PTW courses are open to anyone!  This includes those with lived experience with mental health or substance use issues, family members, peers, friends, and other supporters, as well as community members and people who work in a professional role within the mental health field.

-What happens during a course?

Our wellness Educator and the course’s Co-facilitator will welcome participants. Facilitators will present the information while ensuring time for group discussions, reflection, breaks, and activities. At the end of each course, participants will receive a certificate and be asked to complete a course evaluation.

What is the cost for Pathways to Wellness courses?

There is none!

We ask that you pre-register for the course and arrive on time on the day of.

What is different about Pathways to Wellness?

Pathways to Wellness follows the Recovery College model. Recovery from the perspective of mental illness means gaining and retaining hope, understanding one’s abilities and disabilities, engaging in an active life, personal autonomy, social identity, meaning and purpose in life and having a positive sense of self.  This means that our courses are developed alongside lived experience experts. The Advisory Committee comprises folks from all walks of life with varying life experiences. We collaborate to develop and present course material.


Bounce Back®: For Adults

BounceBack® is a free skill-building program designed to help adults and youth 15+ manage low mood, mild to moderate depression, anxiety, stress or worry. Delivered online or over the phone with a coach, you will get access to tools that will support you on your path to mental wellness.

Your well-being shouldn’t have to wait. With the right tools and practice, you can bounce back to reclaim your mental health.

It’s common to feel low, stressed out, worried, depressed, irritable, angry, or nothing at all. With the right tools and practice, you can reclaim your mental health. You have the power to make beneficial changes, and we are here to help.

Choose what’s best for you from one of our three program delivery methods. Your journey, your pace.

BounceBack® Coaching: If you like having someone motivate and encourage you to reflect, the coaching program may be right for you. A trained BounceBack® coach will help you learn skills to improve your mental health in up to six telephone sessions over three to six months. Your coach will help keep you on track and offer support as you work through the program materials. You design your own program by selecting materials from 20 different modules. Coaching + workbooks are available in English, French, Mandarin, Cantonese or Punjabi.

To learn more or to register visit click here. Direct them to this webpage: https://bouncebackbc.ca/bounceback-coaching/

BounceBack® Online: If you prefer to work independently, check out our online program. Access 20 modules that include workbooks, interactive worksheets and videos designed to help you overcome low-mood and worry. Set your own schedule and get the tools you need to help yourself. Workbooks are available in English.

To learn more or to register visit click here. Direct them to this webpage: https://online.bouncebackonline.ca/

BounceBack® Today Video: If you’re not quite ready for the BounceBack® Coaching or Online, or are waiting for your coaching sessions to begin, check out our series of online videos. The videos will provide you with practical tips on managing your mood, sleeping better, building confidence, increasing activity, problem-solving and healthy living. Videos are available in English, French, Farsi, Cantonese, Mandarin and Punjabi.

Use this access code to register: bbtodaybc

To learn more or to register visit click here. Direct them to this webpage: https://www.bouncebackvideo.ca/

Are your clients feeling low, stressed or anxious?

BounceBack®  is a free, evidence-based cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) program designed to assist service providers in providing support to adults and youth 15+ who need help managing low mood, mild to moderate depression and anxiety, stress or worry.

It’s free, there is no wait period, and no travel is required.

Read the Bounce Back® Brochure

FAQs -You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers –  https://bouncebackbc.ca/faqs/


Living Life to the Full

Want to know how to feel happier, more confident and worry less right now? Would you like to learn new ways of dealing with life’s challenges?

Living Life to the Full is a fun, interactive course that will leave you with the inspiration and tools to get the most out of life!

Live happy. Be confident. Worry less. Take some time to focus on your needs, feelings and goals.

This 8-week community-based course provides simple, practical skills for coping with stress, problem solving, boosting your mood, and busting bad thoughts. Living Life to the Full certified facilitators present a new topic at each weekly class, bringing the skills to life though booklets, worksheets, group activities and discussions. Living Life to the Full teaches a range of life skills that are based on the tried and trusted CBT approach, to aim to improve wellbeing and resilience as individuals go through the journey of life.

You will learn more about YOU and how you can be and feel the very best for yourself. Course content and materials are practical and easily applied to everyday life situations.

What you learn:

  • Self confidence
  • Problem-solving
  • Stress management
  • Motivation
  • Dealing with unhelpful thoughts
  • Anger management

If you have questions about the program please reach out to [email protected]


Wellness Grants

Exercise and socialization are great ways to benefit mental health and well-being. The Wellness Grants program provides an opportunity for people with a mental illness and financial need to access activities they would otherwise be unable to afford.

Activities may include; fitness activities, educational courses, fees for instruction, artistic pursuits, or special family activities.

Individuals can apply for grants up to a maximum of $200.00 per year ($400.00 for families or groups).

Please read through and fill out the Wellness Grant Application and return to [email protected]


Wellness Grant Application

Lunch & Learn Workshops

To book a workshop, please email or call:
[email protected] or 250-542-3114 ext 242
* Discount rates may be available for non-profits, economically hit organizations and small businesses. Contact us for details.

Designed to fit into your staff meeting or lunch hour, these are 1-hour workshops to help your employees understand workplace Mental Health.

Choose from one of the following topics:

▪ Less Stress at Work.
▪ Resiliency at Work.
▪ Burnout Prevention.
▪ Mentally Healthy Workplaces.
▪ Communication in the Workplace.

One hour: $250 per topic. The course is delivered via live video conferencing or in person. In-person: up to 30 participants. Virtual: up to 20 participants.

CMHA-Vernon Lunch and Learn Workshops- 1-Hour Presentations.

Less Stress at Work:
In this presentation, participants will learn about the definition of mental health, how stress can manifest in a workplace, the difference between helpful and unhelpful stress, and some simple strategies to help manage stress at work.

Resiliency at Work:
This presentation is an interactive session where participants learn more about the definition of resilience and what it looks like, and learn strategies to strengthen and build their own resilience at work.

Burnout Prevention:
Participants will learn factors that contribute to Burnout, how to recognize the symptoms of Burnout, and strategies for prevention.

Mentally Healthy Workplaces:
This presentation tends to be highly customized depending on the needs of the workplace. Most presentations include an introduction to the 13 Factors of Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace, how struggles with mental illness can manifest in a Workplace setting and the use of appropriate language.

Communication in the Workplace:
Participants will learn about how open and clear communication can improve the psychological health of a workplace and learn some tips to improve communication.

*Please note that these presentations are subject to change as they are often adapted to reflect the audience’s needs. Please let us know if you want us to adapt a presentation for your audience.

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